What is Suzlon Foundation?
- Suzlon Foundation is a registered company, under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956, with Registration No. U74900GJ2007NPL052449, registered on 27th December, 2007. Suzlon Foundation undertakes Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives for the Suzlon Group, and is mandated to ensure that business policies and practices respect sustainability as its guiding principle.
1. What is CSR?
The term CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility.
- “CSR is defined as the integration of business operations and values, whereby the interests of all stakeholders including investors, customers, employees, the community and the environment are reflected in the companies policies and actions” CSR Wire
- “CSR means open and transparent business practices that are based on ethical values and respect for employees, communities and the environment” The CSR Forum
- “Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large.” World Business Council for sustainable development
2. What is Sustainability?
- One of the first and most oft-cited definitions of sustainability, and almost certainly the one that will survive for posterity, is the one created by the Brundtland Commission. The Commission defined sustainable development as development that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
3.What is CSR at Suzlon?
- Including considerations of all major stakeholders in our business practices, such as local communities and the natural environment
- Taking responsibility for negative impacts we might have on these stakeholders and correct our actions accordingly
- Going beyond legal compliance and hold ourselves accountable to higher ethical standards aligned with our values
- Looking at the success of our business from the broader perspective of sustainable development achieving the 5 capitals (Financial, Natural, Human, Social an Physical)
4. What is not CSR at Suzlon?
- Pure charity or philanthropy
- Short term, one time interventions
- How we spend our money – it’s how we make our money in the most responsible way possible
5. Where does CSR begin at Suzlon?
It begins when your interaction with the nature or the society begins. It applies to all of Suzlon’s business sites. So we have to look at the
- Offices
- Manufacturing Units
- Wind Farms
- Potential Sites
6. Is Charity CSR?
Charity as an approach not used in Suzlon because people will be dependent and the approach is not sustainable
- Give donations to improve the welfare – charity could be required in cases of natural disaster
- Equal Opportunity Approach: Provide equal opportunity to all the layers of the community
- Anti-poverty Approach: Eradicate poverty to improve standard of living – poverty leads to a tendency to steal (crime)
- Efficiency Approach: Get the work done from the person who does it the best
Suzlon believes in the engage-empower-sustain model.
Why not Charity – alone?
- You may please some – but inadvertently displease many
- It creates disparities
- You may address symptoms – not root causes
- You may create dependency
- The giver is always above receiver
- The receiver has no choice – and use is then not guaranteed
- When charity is done someone else’s resources (like employees doing it from shareholder’s profit share …) it corrupts egos
7. How will Suzlon enable the employees to become responsible citizens?
We will follow some ethical business practices
- Legal compliances are good aspects for ethical business practices – we plan to go beyond this and ensure that our suppliers are not employing any children or following “unethical” business practices
- Not letting employees work for very long hours, will help employees to share a healthy relation with their families – thus, they will be able to balance their personal and professional life
- Ensuring fair treatment to employees and providing equal opportunities to all employees and all applicants – this will be done without regards to their race, caste,religion, colour, ancestry, marital status, sex, age, nationality, and disability
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